How to make a complaint?
If you wish to complain, please contact us:
Call from From Japan: 日本国内からトラトラに電話:050-6864-7099
Call from Within Aus: オーストラリア国内から電話:02-9286-3774
if emailing is your way of contacting us
you can fax us at 0011-61-2-9286-3974
please send us your mail to
suite 401 level4 303 pitt st. sydney 200 nsw Australia
by person in our store: we are open mon-fri 9:30-18:00 / sat 11:00-16:00 / sun&public holiday: closed
If you are calling us from a landline, your call is BILLED AT A LOCAL RATE.
Note that calling us from a mobile may be more expensive. We will help you formulating, lodging and progressing your complaint if you request this. Of course you can appoint an authorised representative or advocate to make a complaint on your behalf. For help with how to appoint an authorised representative, please go to http:/
What we will do:
We will acknowledge your complaint immediately if you complained in person or talked to us over the phone, and within 2 working days if you have lodged your complaint through any other channel including where you left a message on our answering machine (e.g. outside our office hours).
When we acknowledge your complaint we will give you a unique reference number or similar to enable you to easily follow up on your complaint. We will also give you an indicative timeframe for resolving your complaint. You can follow up on your complaint by calling 02-9286-3774 and ask for complain staff for direct access.
…And Solve
Our goal is to always fix your problem during your first contact with us. Sometimes this is not possible and we need to investigate the matter. We will then agree with you on how to fix your problem (this may include waiving of fees or other commercial solutions) and advise you accordingly within 15 working days of receiving your complaint. We will advise you in writing if you request this.
Occasionally it may take longer than 15 working days to investigate your problem and in this case we will explain why and give you a new expected timeframe. If the delay is more than 10 working days (and is not the result of a Mass Service Disruption) we will also inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO.
Once we agreed on how to fix your problem, we will implement all actions required to fix the issue within 10 working days, unless you agreed otherwise or unless you have not done something that we needed you to do and we cannot proceed because of this.
What if your complaint is urgent?
Your complaint will be treated as urgent
if you have applied for being in financial hardship under our Financial Hardship Policy and the issue you are complaining about directly contributes to the Financial Hardship you are experiencing, or
if your service has been disconnected or is about to be disconnected and due process has not been followed, or
if you are receiving Priority Assistance (e.g. because of a severe medical condition) for the service you are complaining about.
In this case we will agree with you on how to address the issue and implement all required actions to fix the issue within 2 working days. If there is a delay, we will explain why, provide you with a new expected timeframe, and if it is a longer delay also inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO.
If you are unhappy with our efforts:
If you tell us that you are not satisfied with the complaint timeframes, its progress or the outcome or if you tell us your complaint ought to be treated as urgent, we will escalate your complaint internally. If you are still dissatisfied, we will inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the TIO. We will never cancel your service only because you have contacted an external dispute resolution scheme.
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) We encourage you to always contact us first if you experience any problem or are unhappy. We will do our best to solve your problem during our first contact. You can contact the TIO as follows:
Phone: 1 800 062 058
Fax: 1 800 630 614
The services of the TIO are free of charge.